A Project by Fixit


Fixit’s Ration Distribution Program, where we’re dedicated to providing essential food supplies to the most vulnerable families in our communities.

At Fixit, we understand the importance of ensuring that aid reaches those who need it most. That’s why our first step is to carefully inquire and verify families to identify the most deserving recipients. Through this thorough process, we ensure that our assistance goes to those who are truly in need.

Once verified, we provide ration packages to these families, offering them essential food supplies to help alleviate their hardship and ensure they have enough to eat. Our goal is not just to provide temporary relief, but to offer long-term support to families facing economic difficulties.

Join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of those struggling to put food on the table. Together, we can ensure that no family goes hungry in our communities.


Join us

in our mission to make a difference in the lives of those struggling to put food on the table. Together, we can ensure that no family goes hungry in our communities.