Join us in our mission to empower our community and create a brighter future for all.
A Project by Fixit

Fixit Rozgar Scheme

Through Fixit Rozgar Scheme, we aim to empower unemployed youth and the common man by offering them the resources and support they need to start their own businesses. Whether it’s providing financial assistance, training, or access to market opportunities, we are committed to helping individuals earn for their families respectfully and independently.

By equipping individuals with the tools and skills they need to succeed in business, we are not only creating economic opportunities but also fostering a sense of dignity and self-reliance. Join us in our mission to empower our community and create a brighter future for all.

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Welcome To Fixit Rozgar Scheme

At Fixit, we understand the importance of providing sustainable livelihoods to the deserving and needy in our community.